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Saturday, 1 February 2014

Hacking Mobile Number (Spoof Identity)

Duplicate/Create And Send SMS By It :

Welcome,This is my First post about mobile hacking,In this post,We are going to create any mobile number (police,fire department,ex-girlfriends,etc) and send messages,Sure this method has only 75% success rate,but it works like a charm for the most time.In spoofing attack the attacker (you)  make himself a source or desire address.This post is only for education purposes,and this trick can be traced back to the source very easily,So don't create a scene.

So What Do WE Need :

#SET-Social Engineering Toolkit, Available On Backtrack. 
#Brain-To Sense what is wrong and what is right,And to follow this procedure.

Step 1 :

Open "Social Engineering Toolkit" in Backtrack 5 (mine OS)  by Opening your backtrack console & Typing 
cd /pentest/exploits/set

Step 2 :

Once the directory is opened,Type "./set" to fire up the social attacking kit.

Step 3 :

Now select option number 7.This module allows you to specially craft SMS messages and send them to a person. You can spoof the SMS source if you want to,its not that hard.

Step 4 :

Now select option 1 "Perform a SMS Spoofing Attack”

Step 5 :

Select how the "spoofed-sms" should distribute,you could send it to many people or just one,Your choice.

Step 6 :

Now you need to enter the number of the receiver (victim), make sure to enter with country code.Example : +919907015143 for India,

Step 7 :

Now select 1 for pre-defined Templates,that is helpful to newbies, of-course you can create your own.

Step 8 :

On this step you need to choose the templates,I will choose the "Boss" one,you can use according to your situation.

Step 9 :

Now you need to select the service which will send that crafted SMS you created,You can choose whatever-the-hell you want,If you have an Android Emulator that is just great.

Step 10 :

POOF ! You just send an spoofed message,which is capable of stopping war or creating it,depends on you.

Like This Post ? Spotted any mistake ? Leave your feedback on the comment section BELOW.

Thursday, 30 January 2014

What is the Registry?

The Registry is a database used to store settings and options for the 32 bit versions of Microsoft Windows including Windows 95, 98, ME and NT/2000,XP,Vista,7 and above. It contains information and settings for all the hardware, software, users, and preferences of the PC. Whenever a user makes changes to a Control Panel settings, or File Associations, System Policies, or installed software, the changes are reflected and stored in the Registry.
                                                     The physical files that make up the registry are stored differently depending on your version of Windows; under Windows 95 & 98 it is contained in two hidden files in your Windows directory, called USER.DAT and SYSTEM.DAT, for Windows Me there is an additional CLASSES.DAT file, while under Windows NT/2000 the files are contained seperately in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Config directory. You can not edit these files directly, you must use a tool commonly known as a "Registry Editor" to make any changes (using registry editors will be discussed later in the article).

The Structure of The Registry:The Registry has a hierarchal structure, although it looks complicated the structure is similar to the directory structure on your hard disk, with Regedit being similar to Windows Explorer.

                                                                                                       Each main branch (denoted by a folder icon in the Registry Editor, see left) is called a Hive, and Hives contains Keys. Each key can contain other keys (sometimes referred to as sub-keys), as well as Values. The values contain the actual information stored in the Registry. There are three types of values; String, Binary, and DWORD - the use of these depends upon the context.

There are six main branches, each containing a specific portion of the information stored in the Registry. They are as follows:

* HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT - This branch contains all of your file association mappings to support the drag-and-drop feature, OLE information, Windows shortcuts, and core aspects of the Windows user interface.

* HKEY_CURRENT_USER - This branch links to the section of HKEY_USERS appropriate for the user currently logged onto the PC and contains information such as logon names, desktop settings, and Start menu settings.

* HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - This branch contains computer specific information about the type of hardware, software, and other preferences on a given PC, this information is used for all users who log onto this computer.

* HKEY_USERS - This branch contains individual preferences for each user of the computer, each user is represented by a SID sub-key located under the main branch.

* HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG - This branch links to the section of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE appropriate for the current hardware configuration.

* HKEY_DYN_DATA - This branch points to the part of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, for use with the Plug-&-Play features of Windows, this section is dymanic and will change as devices are added and removed from the system.

Each registry value is stored as one of five main data types:

Pop a banner each time Windows Boots

To pop a banner which can contain any message you want to display just before a user is going to log on, go to the key:

Now create a new string Value in the right pane named LegalNoticeCaption and enter the value that you want to see in the Menu Bar. Now create yet another new string value and name it: LegalNoticeText. Modify it and insert the message you want to display each time Windows boots. This can be effectively used to display the company's private policy each time the user logs on to his NT box. It's .reg file would be:



"LegalNoticeCaption"="Caption here."

Disabling Display of Drives in My Computer

This is yet another trick you can play on your geek friend. To disable the display of local or networked drives when you click My Computer go to :

Now in the right pane create a new DWORD item and name it NoDrives. Now modify it's value and set it to 3FFFFFF (Hexadecimal) Now press F5 to refresh. When you click on My Computer, no drives will be shown. To enable display of drives in My Computer, simply delete this DWORD item. It's .reg file is as follows:




Ban Shutdowns : A trick to Play on Lamers

This is a neat trick you can play on that lamer that has a huge ego, in this section I teach you, how to disable the Shut Down option in the Shut Down Dialog Box. This trick involves editing the registry, so please make backups.

Launch regedit.exe (Type regedit on RUN and Press Enter,  and go to) :

In the right pane look for the NoClose Key. If it is not already there then create it by right clicking in the right pane and selecting New > String Value.(Name it NoCloseKey ) Now once you see the NoCloseKey in the right pane, right click on it and select Modify. Then Type 1 in the Value Data Box.

Doing the above on a system disables the Shut Down option in the Shut Down Dialog Box. But on a  machine if the value of NoCloseKey is set to 1 then click on the Start > Shut Down button displays the following error message:

This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator.

You can enable the shut down option by changing the value of NoCloseKey to 0 or simply deleting the particular entry i.e. deleting NoCloseKey.

Instead of performing the above difficult to remember process, simply save the following with an extension of .reg in NOTEPAD and add it's contents to the registry by double clicking on it.




Wednesday, 29 January 2014

How To: Change Your Ip In Less Then 1 Minute

1. Click on "Start" in the bottom left hand corner of screen 2. Click on "Run" 3. Type in "command" and hit ok
You should now be at an MSDOS prompt screen.
4. Type "ipconfig /release" just like that, and hit "enter" 5. Type "exit" and leave the prompt 6. Right-click on "Network Places" or "My Network Places" on your desktop. 7. Click on "properties"
You should now be on a screen with something titled "Local Area Connection", or something close to that, and, if you have a network hooked up, all of your other networks.

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Simple Trick To Convert A Webpage To PDF File

In this post i will teach a simple trick or browser feature that let you convert any web page into PDF file format, which might help you to read your favorite articles offline.
So lets get started :

How To Save Web Page To PDF File ?

1. Open the Google Chrome Browser on your PC or MAC.

2. Then go to the web page that you want to convert as a PDF

3. Now press Ctrl+P on Windows PC or Command+P if you are on a Mac to Open the the Print 
    dialog on Chrome Browser. 

4. Now Change the destination to “Save As PDF” and hit the save button.

5. The current web page will instantly be downloaded as a PDF document. 

10 Open Source Tools For Building Scalable Web Applications!

When you're designing a web application, scalability and performance are very important. Every developer must take these two steps into consideration before building their application. To do this effectively, you need the best tools. Here are 10 of the most popular ones.

1. Apache HTTP Server: Extensible, fast and highly scalable. These are the qualities of the Apache HTTP server that make it immensely popular. Of course, there are other features too.

2. Tomcat: This open source software holds configuration and management tool. While the Apache Tomcat tool is an implementation of Java, it can also be configured using configuration files from XML. You can use it to implement JSP along with Java servlet specifications.

3. Modsecurity: This is a web application firewall that can be embedded into the web server infrastructure. It is also amongst the top available open source WAF solutions.

4. Memcached: This is an open source distributed caching system that is generic in nature. It has a simple design and delivers very good performance.

5. Varnish: This is a web application accelerator or HTTP reverse proxy. It is a very high speed software that can speed up the process delivery immensely.

Monday, 27 January 2014

10 WordPress Shortcodes and Plugins You Might Want To Try

Ref - websitedesigninoakville.com
If you are not familiar with shortcodes, a shortcode is a WordPress-specific code that lets you do creative things with scripts and code. Since you won’t have to fill your posts and pages with long ugly codes, they be condensed into just one line of code – a shortcode.
                In a nutshell, a shortcode is basically a shortcut to a long script or piece of code. Even though WordPress has its own set of shortcodes that you can use within your blog’s posts and pages, there are a whole lot more shortcodes available out there, with a ton more flexibility to offer.
                                           Shortcodes can be inserted manually into your blog theme or via a plugin. The problem is finding one that suits what you want to do on your blog. In this post, I’ll showcase 10 WordPress plugins that add shortcode functionality to your blog, along with 10 codes that you can add yourself.

WordPress Plugins

Here are some plugins that allow you to use or custom build shortcodes for use on WordPress. Where relevant, an alternative plugin that does pretty much the same thing is suggested after each plugin.

1. Shortcode

A simple plugin that adds several useful shortcodes for you to show off your blog’s contents quantitatively. A few of the codes include:
  • [postcountbr]   – displays total number of published blog posts
  • [catcountbr]     – displays total number of categories that contain one or more posts
  • [tagcountbr]     – displays total number of tags that contain one or more posts
  • [totalwords]     – displays total number of words in published posts
  • [commentcount] – displays the total number of approved comments
  • [pagecount]       – displays the total number of published pages