Duplicate/Create And Send SMS By It :
Welcome,This is my First post about mobile hacking,In this post,We are going to create any mobile number (police,fire department,ex-girlfriends,etc) and send messages,Sure this method has only 75% success
rate,but it works like a charm for the most time.In spoofing attack the
attacker (you) make himself a source or desire address.This post is
only for education purposes,and this trick can be traced back to the
source very easily,So don't create a scene.
So What Do WE Need :
#SET-Social Engineering Toolkit, Available On Backtrack.
#Brain-To Sense what is wrong and what is right,And to follow this procedure.
Step 1 :
Open "Social Engineering Toolkit" in Backtrack 5 (mine OS) by Opening your backtrack console & Typing
cd /pentest/exploits/set
Step 2 :
Once the directory is opened,Type "./set" to fire up the social attacking kit.
Step 3 :
Now select option number 7.This
module allows you to specially craft SMS messages and send them to a
person. You can spoof the SMS source if you want to,its not that hard.
Step 4 :
Now select option 1 "Perform a SMS Spoofing Attack”
Step 5 :
Select how the "spoofed-sms" should distribute,you could send it to many people or just one,Your choice.
Step 6 :
Now you need to enter the number of the receiver (victim), make sure to
enter with country code.Example : +919907015143 for India,
Step 7 :
Now select 1 for pre-defined Templates,that is helpful to newbies, of-course you can create your own.
Step 8 :
On this step you need to choose the templates,I will choose the "Boss" one,you can use according to your situation.
Step 9 :
Now you need to select the service which will send that crafted SMS you
created,You can choose whatever-the-hell you want,If you have an Android
Emulator that is just great.
Step 10 :
POOF ! You just send an spoofed message,which is capable of stopping war or creating it,depends on you.
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