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Saturday, 18 January 2014

9 Ways To Sort Files In Linux Environment

Sorting files is important for meaningful output and is useful while dealing with DB files, CSV, xls, log files and text files. By default, the sort command will sort according to alpha-bates, sorting according to single character vertically. If it finds the same character in two lines, then it will move on to sort the second character.

There are 9 ways to do that according to www.linuxnix.com. You can mix and match them as per your requirement.

• 1:To sorting file names according to alpha-bates: sort filename.txt.

• 2: If you have a file with host names in the third column, to sort it according to the column, use K for sorting that. Like, sort k3 filename.txt.

• 3: To sort/ etc/password file according to home directories, sort will by default take space/tabs as field separators. In etc/passwd file, the field separator is : and this can be done with t option. sort -t: -k6 /etc/passwd 

• 4: To sort according to number, etc/passwd file according to UID, use -n option to do that. Sort will not understand numbers by default, so, use -n to make sure sort command understands it.sort -n -t: -k3 /etc/passwd. Without -n option sort will by default sort only first numerical char. 

10 Mistakes People Often Make On Facebook!

Social networking is at the core of everyone's lives today. There is a lot of talk about what to do and what not to do. But there are some common mistakes that people make on the website, which often even result in hilarious stories. Here are 10 of the most common ones!

1. Too many petitions for causes: It is very good to be concerned about social and other just causes, but that doesn’t mean you can flood other’s timelines. Post it as your own status if you must, it gives others the option to decide whether they want to read it or not. 

2. Updating status messages about things you did when you were under the influence of alcohol: An US teen got arrested after he posted a status message about driving drunk. His status said, “Driving drunk…classic ;) but to whoever’s vehicle I hit I am sorry. :P.” Not only is it uncool, it is often of no consequence to anyone but you.

3. Photos of you as a kid on your profile picture: Make an album, post those pictures to that, share that album, make it public if you want, but don’t make it your profile picture. Many or most of your friends didn’t see you when you were that young. A recent profile picture is easier for them to relate too and doesn’t leave them confused amongst all the posts showing on their News Feeds.

Top 12 Linux Distros And Their Usage

While many would argue that the list is not complete but we have tried to bring to you some of the key Linux distros. That's not it. This article also helps you determine the best distro that suits your need.
          Let's analyse certain major Linux distros and their anticipated purpose:

1) Ubuntu: Ubuntu was once considered as the standard Linux distribution for beginners, but due to Ubuntu Unity, that title no longer belongs to Ubuntu, but that doesn’t mean it is useless. Very soon, Ubuntu is likely to emerge with the first trustworthy Linux tablet

2) Linux Mint: This is the effective standard for beginners. Linux Mint introduced great and user friendly features in Ubuntu and enhanced GNOME 3- a combination that provided an incredible environment for beginners as well as old users of Linux.

3) Fedora: If you want an advanced version of Linux, go for Fedora. Even those, looking for pure take on GNOME 3, opt for Fedora. 

GNOME 3.12 Spoilers: GNOME Control Center Changed To Settings In Documents 3.11.4

 Even as the GNOME developers are working hard on the next major version, GNOME 3.12, due for release on 26 March this year, a third development version of GNOME Documents is out now available for testing. GNOME Documents 3.12 software is the main document viewer of the GNOME 3.12 desktop environment. The latest version boasts of a number of updates over its previous ones.
             The version, GNOME Documents 3.11.4 now hides the search bar when moving from overview to preview. The GNOME Control Center has now been renamed to Settings. Further, the Grid/List controls have been moved to the toolbar, GtkActionBar is now used for the selection toolbar, the PreviewNavButtons show/hide code has been simplified. Translation updates have also been added to this new development release. 
Meanwhile, the much awaited GNOME 3.12 will include many new features, such as a full port to the Wayland display server, GNOME Software application, system support, support for Facebook photos in the GNOME Photos application, Zimbra integration, as well as a Videos application. 

Ubuntu 14.04 LTS To Come With GRUB 2.02 Beta 2

While many users are still checking out the brand new Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander, Ubuntu founder Mark Shuttleworth and the Canonical developer team are already working on the next version, Ubuntu 14.04: Trusty Tahr. Furthermore, buzz has it that Ubuntu distributions might implement the most recent version of GRUB, still in beta stage in Trusty Tahr. It must be noted here that Canonical doesn't usually pick packages that are still in the Beta stages but it just might make an exception for the GRUB 2.02.
                                          According to developers they would like to upgrade to GRUB 2.02 that represents a year and a half of upstream development and contains many new features, for trusty. GRUB 2.02 Beta 2 features some very interesting features, like support for the experimental 64-bit ext2, better DM-RAID partition handling, TrueCrypt ISO loader, multiboot2 boot-services EFI specification, and more. 

“Obviously I want to be very careful with substantial upgrades to the default boot loader. So, I've put this in trusty-proposed, and filed bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/1269992 to ensure that it doesn't reach trusty proper until it's had a reasonable amount of manual testing,” said Colin Watson, the technical lead for the Ubuntu Foundations Team.

Ubuntu 14.04 will be the next long-term support (LTS) version of the operating system. Many new features that were introduced in Ubuntu 13.10, such as scopes, will be fine-tuned in Trusty Tahr. Other features that didn't make it into the full version of Ubuntu 13.10, but made it into the new mobile version, Ubuntu Touch, will be included in all versions of Ubuntu 14.04. Prominent among these are image-based updates and the Mir graphics stack.

Main high points of Ubuntu 14.04, according to Shuttleworth, will be "performance, refinement, and maintainability."