1. Too many petitions for causes: It is very good to be concerned about social and other just causes, but that doesn’t mean you can flood other’s timelines. Post it as your own status if you must, it gives others the option to decide whether they want to read it or not.
2. Updating status messages about things you did when you were under the influence of alcohol: An US teen got arrested after he posted a status message about driving drunk. His status said, “Driving drunk…classic ;) but to whoever’s vehicle I hit I am sorry. :P.” Not only is it uncool, it is often of no consequence to anyone but you.
3. Photos of you as a kid on your profile picture: Make an album, post those pictures to that, share that album, make it public if you want, but don’t make it your profile picture. Many or most of your friends didn’t see you when you were that young. A recent profile picture is easier for them to relate too and doesn’t leave them confused amongst all the posts showing on their News Feeds.
4. Pictures of pets: Again, this is something that is good when done in moderation. Bombarding Facebook with an array of pictures about your cute pet is not the way to go. It irritates many and floods their News Feeds.
5. Twitter updates on Facebook: Many avid Twitter users automate their tweets to be posted to their Facebook statuses too. While it isn’t exactly a bad practice, this is meant more for advertising something, rather than telling people about your own life.
6. Playing games: A huge number of people use Facebook for playing games in their free time. And a huge number of people have too much free time. Play, there is no problem, but don’t bombard your friends with requests to join your army or help build your restaurant!
7. Facebooking while partying: Party hard and have fun, but try to keep your mind off Facebook when you do so. Post pictures, but when the drinks start, lay off. People end up posting foolish things because of this. In fact, an American teen had broken into a newspaper office when under the influence. He apparently updated his Facebook status while doing so. Result? He got arrested.
8. Misspelling words: You have all seen it, using the ‘z’ in place of the ‘s’ or misspelling words to make them shorter, sometimes completely changing the meanings, these are very common on Facebook. While you may think it’s ‘in’, others are usually laughing on you because of it.
9. Mocking public figures and authorities: It is sad that this is a mistake, but there have been too many reports of people being arrested because they wrote something against a public figure. Be careful of what you write.
10. ‘Like’ status messages that are not ‘likeable’: Facebook is rumoured to be working on a ‘dislike’ button. It is also rumoured to be working on a ‘sympathise’ button. These would really solve this issue. The lack of this often results in people pressing like on posts about someone’s misfortunes etc.
The ‘Like’ button on Facebook is to be used with providence; else it could end you up in serious trouble. How would your friend feel when you appreciate him over his broken leg or congratulate at the demise of his dear grandpa?
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